Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5/6: Campsite, 465.0

Man what a day! Hello loyal followers, it's Breeze, and I'll be recapping the events of the day. But first, I want to wish my mom a very happy birthday! I know this post won't be published in time, but I hope she had a great day all the same. I love you mom! 

As usual, Wendy and I got off to our usual 10:30 start. The horrendous storm we found ourselves in the night before carried on into the morning, so we were already moving pretty slow. Man it's tough to drag yourself out of your warm, dry tent when it's cold and wet outside. Fortunately, the weather cleared up shortly after we started hiking and the rain held off for most of the day. In hindsight, we probably didn't stop at the best campsite - the place was a fog bowl in a wind tunnel. A few miles into the day, we hit Iron Mountain Shelter, which is exactly 26 miles from Damascus. A few of our friends wrote in the shelter journal that they were going to complete the Damascathon challenge, and go all the way from Iron Mountain Shelter to Damascus, completing a marathon day. Well if you know anything about Wendy and I, you know it's just not in us to back away from a challenge (remember the Curly Maple Gap Pizza and Beer challenge??). There's just something about that word that gets our competitive juices flowing. After little deliberation, we decided to do our own marathon day, and officially cross the Tennessee/Virginia line all in one day! Well, we may have had to walk through the night, but we can check another challenge off the list! We did 27 miles, and camped just outside Damascus! What a day! It feels so good to say that we are finally in Virginia! I mean we walked from Georgia to Virginia?! How crazy does that sound! 

Loving life, 


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