Friday, March 15, 2013

Thank you

It's officially March 16th and I can't sleep....couldn't imagine why.  While I'm not doing anything (except running down the stairs every 5 minutes to triple and quadruple check that I have every last item packed), I want to take a moment and give a huge thank you to all my friends and family.  I have received so much love and support from everyone in my life from the moment this crazy idea first popped in my head.  To all my friends who have called and texted me over the past few days - you guys have no idea how much it means to  me to have your support. It's going to be really hard being out of contact with all  of you for so long.  Finally, I wanted to give a big special thanks to my mom and dad. I don't know of many parents that would let their child even attempt something like this, much less help them.  They have been absolutely fantastic and I can honestly say that this trip wouldn't be possible without their support.  Between now and graduation, they have housed me, feed me, and given me extra money to help with the trip. On top of that, they have both done extensive research on the trail, are going to come meet me periodically to make sure I'm ok, and they're even going to pick me up in Maine!  For several weeks while I was home, mom broke out her sewing machine and worked her magic, crafting stuff sacks, bags, and my down underquilt. They may think I'm crazy - if fact I know they do - but if one of their children is passionate about something, they will do every thing in their power to make their passion become a reality. So thank you mom and dad. I love you both very much. 



1 comment:

  1. You are so welcome. We love you very much also. It was fun getting out the sewing machine and whipping up a few things for your journey. No I don't think you are crazy...but maybe reading the "Hobbit" to you at three imprinted more than I thought it would. LOL Have fun on your Adventure.
