Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 2, 12.3 miles. Trail magic!

Hey everyone, breeze (Kent) here. Wow! What an awesome day! Today was much better than yesterday and it was nice to spend the entire day on the AT.  Because of our short first day, Alex and I decided to make up the distance and churn out a solid 12+ mile hike.  Along those 12 miles of trail Alex and I were treated with a beautiful waterfall, rushing streams, and a beautiful mountain top view from Sassafras Mountain!  The waterfall was just amazing and is definitely one of the early highlights of the trip.  For those following along at home (mom and Mrs. Dent), we are currently at Cooper Gap. There are 7 thru-hikers hanging in camp with us, and tons more at campsites north and south of us. It truly is a social trail.
    And now for the real highlight of the day! Trail magic! Once we made it to Cooper Gap, several recent college grads were here to great us with hotdogs, cookies, and ice cold, home brewed beer! It was fantastic! Since they were about to leave, the said we could help ourselves so Alex and I had 3 and a half hotdogs a piece plus many cookies. On top of that, a trail legend named survivor Dave came up and dropped of 4 gallons of water for us bc Cooper gap is a dry camp.

All in all it was a fantastic day. With all the rushing around yesterday, I finally settled in to a groove and felt like a real thru hiker. I still can't believe I'm really out here!

Until next time,



  1. Sounds like an awesome day, guys!! Love the Trail Magic...couldn't have been more perfect!
    Stay smart and safe and keep your eyes on the prize!
    Love, Mom (Dent)

  2. Hot dogs and home brewed beer?! Sounds like my kind of meal lol Glad yesterday went well for y'all and I hope today is just as good :)

  3. Love the photos and Trail Magic. Happy to read you had a great day. Chewie is very busy being on point and took a long nap on G'Pop yesterday. Keep up the Steps. Love You
